Friday, May 1, 2009

Doing so very much better..

So as of yesterday at 1:00 pm Aven was doing so much better. When we called at 8:00 am to check on her they stated that earlier that morning they were able to take her completly off her epie drip and that her dopamine is down to about a .14. She was at a .5 the day of the scare. Her anti-biotics are working well and she is needing a litte less help to fight it. WOO HOO. We will head down tonight to spend the weekend with her. Isis will stay with Grandpa and Grandma, and get to be spoiled and go to a birthday party for his cousin Noah. What a fun weekend.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Oh Ethan,
I am so happy for you and Brandy! Aven is so tiny! All babies are a gift from God and it looks like she is one of his miracles also! My heart and prayers are with you all.