Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Kanga Care

So we have not updated in a while so I will try to make this very informative. We will back date a tad as well so that everyone gets a full months update.

Isis -

We took Isis to the zoo on the 9th so that we could spend a little more time in Denver to be close to Aven. He was so very excited to see all of the animals and talk to the elephants. While we were there we got to see a ton of baby geese, as that they hatched everywhere, and there were some still nesting. Lots of pictures. On the 15 we got to take Isis to Ringling Brothers Circus. He again loved the animals and wanted to hold the tigers. What a goof. We bought him the smallest tshirt that there was ( a child medium) and it is his circus pajamas and was a bit upset with me when he could not wear them cause they needed to be washed. In other news, Isis has been afraid to touch his sister, not really digging all the extra tubing. Now that that is all off and we can hold her, he did touch her for the first time last night, and was super excited that she looked at him with her eyes open.

Ethan -

He is enjoying work and is done with classes for the summer. Nice to not have that to deal with for a little. And of course he is up set with me cause I got to hold the baby first. HAHA

Brandy -

As always staying busy at work, and taking care of house work, kids, and trying to be in Denver as much as possible.

Aven -

So in BIG news - Aven has been gaining weight all month - 1 pound 14 oz on mothers day - 2 pounds on the 16th and a HUGE 2 pounds 3 oz last night. YEAH. Now that she is off of her iv's and just has the small ventalator( her lungs are very premature) we can hold her. The first hold was on the 16th. This was more of a craddle than a hold, but we are not complaining. I got to hold her last night for the first time ( a real Hold) and that was great. Kangaroo care for those that dont know is holding the baby skin to skin under blankets so that they can really feel there parents. It was great, No picture, this needs to stay family appropriate.

As always thank you for the prayers, and support. WE LOVE YOU ALL

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