Thursday, April 16, 2009

At University Hospital in Denver

Hello everybody. I figure this might be as fast a way as any to update everybody as to what is going on with Brandy and the baby. As of right now, the doctors are hoping to stabilize her position for at least a few more weeks, but they don't think it'll be much longer than that. Brandy had pre-eclampsia with Isis too but not until much later in the pregnancy. They were doing an ultrasound yesterday and Brandy found out, all by herself, what we were having. So we lucked-out and are having a baby girl. Brandy is pretty sensitive to one of the medications that they are giving her called magnesium sulfate. It helps prevent seizures and acts as a muscle relaxant to lower her blood pressure, which at one point yesterday was around 169/111. This morning I checked on it again and was back down around 130/86, so it is good to see that it is going down. The blood pressure is really important to watch because that is what will cause her to have seizures. As far as baby goes, she is very healthy, for a 24 week old, and is also being monitored. Heart rate and movement we are told look even a little advanced for a baby of her gestation. So all of those things are very comforting to know, that she will be as best as she can when it's time for her to come. We arrived at the hospital around 3:30 p.m. They started Brandy on a 24 hour urine test to measure her protein levels and right away they noticed it was VERY high. As far as tests and status goes, that's about it. Nothing to excited to report, but that's okay because that means that mom and baby are doing as best as they can. If any new tests or events happen I'll post them here as soon as I can, so subscribe and stay posted.

1 comment:

Eliza Brock said...

Hope everything goes well today and we can keep that little one in mom for a few more weeks at least!