Friday, April 17, 2009

Protein levels

Brandy has a certain protein that is really high at the moment. I'm not sure what scale is used to measure it but if it gets as high as 1.5 they will be delivering the baby. Right now it is at 1.45 and 6 hours ago it was at 1.42. The Neonatoligist came in and spoke to us about what to expect from the baby as well as what some possible complications could be and the medications and tests to find and fix them. Of course, learning disabilities are increased being so premature. She has a good weight, and is a girl which helps for survival. There isn't anything else that the docs can do and I'm being told that Brandy also has developed an infection just now so that's obviously not good. Thank you to everybody who is keeping us in their prayers and thoughts. The next protein test is at 6 p.m. and I'll let mom know what the results are.

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